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Denis Diderot is one of the most influential and important philosophers of the enlightenment. In-fact many of his books and ideals are still applicable in todays society and actually have a huge effect on us in the modern world. One of Diderot's crowning achievments which is most present in our current time period is The Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia at the time of its conception was a categorization and analysis of various: people, proffesions, subject matters and cultures. This advancement in educational litterature gave people from every class, creed and race a chance to access information and idealy gain a self initiated education. This is just one of many examples of how Diderot dedicated himself to the betterment of man kind. In-fact the Encyclopedia alone took up most of Diderot's leisure time leaving him with little to no personal life that went beyond proffesional and academic boundaries. In the most true of senses Diderot was dedicated to forging a better and more educated future. Many historians would say this entire idealism was fueled by Diderots hate for the church but it was also due to his true desire to dedicate himself to a greater whole rather than every day trivialities. So in essence Diderot's contributions to the enlightenment were enourmous and in a practical sense much more usefull than other philosophers of the time who enjoyed writing about change and revolution but never actually instilled it. Denis Diderot's works served to have a long lasting affect on man kind and from a historical point of view he succeeded in this. He indeed has contributed one of the most useful and impactful sources of knowledge on the planet which eventually became the base model for our modern search engines such as google. In conclusion Diderot when his actions and achievments are evalutated is one of the most influential human beings not only in the enlightenment but in the course of history, at the same levels of Einstein, Galilleo and Tycho Brahe.


Fun Fact: Did you know that, Diderot in order to write the Encyclopedia would travell to work shops and stores to see how certain proffesions worked and often tried them himself?


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